Ukraine You called me...

   On the 26th April 1987 - on the day of the first anniversary of Chernobyl`s catastrophe - Holy Virgin started to appear in Ukrainian village Hrusiv, laying southwest from Lvov. (Ukraine was dedicated to Mother of god already in 1058). Virgin Mary kept appearing in Hrusiv for three weeks, namely in an unseen and magnificent way. She used to appear in a black suit, with a small child on her hands (like a famous Madonna from Kiev which Vladimir the Great got as a present from his wife in 988).

   She always appeared - and that lasted for many hours - above cupola of a small wooden church which belonged to Catholic Church of the eastern ceremony. For more than 100 years this church of the Holy Trinity was a pilgrim place treated as miraculous because of the icon. Church was closed for many years as the apparitions occurred during the communism. For the entire three weeks the church was surrounded by inexpressible silver dazzle which reached the height of 200 meters. Witness of the first apparition was a twelve years old Marina Kizyn. She immediately called her mother, few neighbours and they could also see the Holy Virgin. News became quickly spread and Hrusiv was visited by huge crowds of pilgrims not only from Ukraine, but also from other parts of USSR of that time. It is estimated that about 70.000 people visited the place each day and that they were not able to be managed by Soviet militia, nor by agents of KGB who lost the control over these people. Many priests kept coming (priests of an underground Catholic Church at that time) and up to 10 Holy masses were served in front of the church at once. Holy Virgin was seen by the majority of attendees, including the agents of KGB.
During the last week of apparitions, also Joseph Terelya was present. Joseph was born in 1943 in Podkarpatska Rus, in a mountain village close to Mukacevo, in the family of high communist functionaries. Joseph, however, was brought up by his grandparents who were convinced believers. He often participated on worships which were held by the underground Church on abandoned places in deep Karpatian woods.

   When he was 19 he was taken by the army, but soon he was imprisoned for his evangelic activities. His punishment, however, was continuously increased for his incessant Christian activity and for several attempts to escape. Therefore the struggle for a survival in communist jails and concentration camps started and he was held there, with few year lasting pauses, until 1987. Then he was freed thanks to president Reagan and the process of „perestrojka".
   During his stay in Vladimirskaja prison near Moscow - this jail was famous for bad treatment of prisoners - Holy Virgin appeared to him twice.
   First time it happened on the 12th February during his long-lasting stay in solitary cell when his health worsened due to the cold, humidity, beating and torment and when his most important life spur was the prayer. When he woke up that night and started to pray in spite of the big cold, he could feel unusual warmth all over his body. Suddenly, the cell was flooded with a beautiful light - exactly like the one he later observed in Hrusiv - and then the Holy Virgin appeared to him.
„It was a short apparition, it lasted just for a few minutes, but those moments meant the whole world to me..." - he wrote later in his biography „Testimony", published in 1991 in USA. „I could feel incredible security, in spite of where I was and what I was going to face in a near future. Mary started to talk about me: „You should learn to forgive those who pursue you the most! Tough years, courts, humiliation are ahead of you. But from today you will never fear."
Last two years Joseph spent in the fearful gulag on Ural. His health worsened a lot. After the release in 1987 he engaged himself in an effort for the Church to come out from the underground even before it was approved. It had 5 millions worshippers led by hundreds of priests who studied mostly in secret seminars and the Church was managed by several bishops. Government enabled Joseph to go to Holland, but did not allow him to return. Joseph settled with his family among Ukrainian Catholics in Canada. He was received by the American Senate and for several times he had a confident discussion with the Holy Father.
   During his visit of Hrusiv, Joseph saw the Virgin Mary again and he heard few of her messages, similarly like the majority of attendees:
   „My daughter, Ukraine, I pray for you, for your children and for your future. Time comes when your nation, so in love with God, will gain the independence and will become the salvation for those who will remain in the faith in Jesus Christ.
   Many come like untrue messiahs and untrue prophets. Therefore I warn you, be awake and careful. Happy is life of those who are without the guilt and who follow God`s commandments"
(14th May 1987).
   „Lucifer looses his strength. As he wants to keep his place on the throne of darkness he started to pretend that he got better, but that is not true. Lucifer is clever and devious... Pray for Russia. Russia will convert only if all Christians pray for it...Both, East and West are wicked. Difference lays in the fact that the impiety of the West is not proclaimed officially. To save Russia and the entire world from the impiety you have to convert Russia to Christ the King" (16. May 1987).
   Joseph`s apparition from the 12th February 1981: From an execution of the sentence he was then placed for a night into the cell of death for secret publication activity. Into this cell an icy wind penetrated from the outside. Joseph was dressed only in a light shirt. He described it: „I was so weary from the cold that I laid down, I prayed and waited for my destiny. After twenty minutes my lips could not move and my freezing eyelids shut. I could still think however, but I could not move my limbs. I was frozen to death. But suddenly I realized some strong flash and a very strong light... the cell started to warm up... On my eyelids I perceived a hand of a woman... When this hand moved away I could open my eyes. Virgin Mary stood in front of me, as I saw her two years ago. „You called me, so I came!" Cell got warmer. My body felt the warmth like if I was next to the stove.
   Virgin told me many prophecies about the mankind. She showed me prophecy visions. I saw the map where some part were burning. Russia! Surrounding countries were also affected. Then Mary requested the repentance and spiritual purity.
   At the end a big flash appeared and the Holy Virgin disappeared.
   I undressed my shirt and started to walk through the cell. It was very hot and sweat. Guards could not believe their eyes that I was alive. On the second day, commission started to investigate this. They did not believe me that the Virgin Mary appeared to me."